Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Jay-Z Wants To Run For President in 8 Years

"Give me a chance," Jay-Z said. "Maybe in eight years, I'll be the President." Hova has supported President Obama publicly over the past years and said he's still holding out for his the President to come through in the end. Continue reading.....

"In order to judge someone, you have to judge what they inherit," he said. "He inherited the worst economy, war, just a horrible time in American history. So if we think he can solve that, i mean, we don't think he's God, do we. He's a human being. He's going to need time to figure that out."

"In order to get to that sort of success and dream, you have to go through some peaks and valleys," Jay-Z added. "It's been two years."

Jay-Z is currently in the U.K, enjoying himself and having some fun before beginning his collaborative work with Kanye West in Bath.

What do you think about Jay-Z running for President?

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